In this season of Lent, we invite you to join together with us in this time of prayer and repentance in preparation for observing Christ’s death on Good Friday and His resurrection on Easter Sunday. We also encourage you to consider how you can invite your friends and neighbors into this season.
We are excited to offer a variety of ways to go deeper with God in this season. Below you will find both events and devotional plans that anyone can engage in. There are options for children and families as well!
Lent Devotional
We invite everyone to join us for a Lent Devotional that includes 3 main components:
1) Daily Bible Reading - The Book of Psalms in 40 Days
2) Daily Prayer - Respond prayerfully to the Psalm readings
3) Weekly Fasts - Commit to a day or multiple days to fast each week, following our suggested fasts
Click the button below to view the daily Psalm readings and the suggested weekly fasts. The plan begins March 5th but it's never too late to join in!
Lent Guide for Children
Join CSC's Lent plans as a family! We will have 2 Bibles available for purchase, each suited to different ages.
1) Peace Table Storybook Bible (for younger children)
2) NIV Kids Visual Study Bible (for older children)
Click here to receive an email each week of Lent with a suggested reading for that week. If you purchase one of these Bibles you will be automatically signed up!
You can prepay for either Bible below and pick them up at the Blue Tent beginning Sunday March 2.
Lent Season Events
Join us for our Ash Wednesday Service on March 5 at 6:30pm.
Ash Wednesday marks the start of the Lenten season of reflection, repentance, and preparation, leading up to Easter.
We invite you to join us for this special Service in the Sanctuary at CSC to help us enter into the Lent season together. The service will be more reflective than a typical Sunday service and will include scripture reading, prayer, a brief message, and distribution of ashes.
Everyone is invited to join us on Saturday March 8 at 7pm in the Sanctuary for a Lent themed Worship Night!
This worship night is hosted in collaboration with Cornerstone Church and Riverwalk Church!
Whether you’re new and want to learn more about Central Square Church, or if you consider us your church home and you’re on board with our vision, you’re invited to take CSC 101!
This is a great opportunity to get to know the church better and is also a prerequisite for becoming a member. There are videos to watch beforehand, so please sign up soon!
If you are interested in or want to learn more about baptism and infant dedication/confirmation, our baptism classes are happening on March 31 at church. This class does not commit you to anything, but is a prerequisite for getting baptized at an upcoming Sunday service. Email admin [at] centralsquare [dot] church to RSVP, learn more, and get class info.
We will have different sessions for those interested in infant baptism or dedication and for those interested in adult baptism or reaffirmation.
- Infant Baptism or Dedication – 12:15pm in the Nursery
- Adult Baptism or Reaffirmation of Baptism – 12:45pm in the Lounge
Join us for our Good Friday Service at 7:30pm in the Sanctuary. We are hosting a joint service with our friends from Pentecostal Tabernacle and other Cambridge churches. Join us for this special service where we will meditate and reflect on Jesus’ death on the cross.
We encourage you to prayerfully consider inviting your friends and neighbors into this holy season.
Join us in celebrating Christ’s resurrection and triumph over death and sin on Easter Sunday! Service will begin at the regular start time of 10:30am.
Weekly Prayer Meetings (Zoom)
Prayers of Lament in Community -
Lament brings our hearts and petitions boldly to the throne of God’s grace. The prayers of lament enable us to petition God to help deliver us from distress, suffering, and pain. Join for a simple structured time of lament prayers in community.
Join Zoom Meeting
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WEDNESDAYS, 12 PM - 12:30 PM
Meeting ID: 886 3253 4393
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