CSC 101 / Membership

Next class is Saturday, March 15, 2025 - Register in advance!

Whether you're new and want to learn more about Central Square Church, or if you consider us your church home and you’re on board with our vision, you're invited to take CSC 101! This is a great opportunity to get to know the church better and is also a prerequisite for becoming a member.

Becoming a CSC Member

CSC 101 classes, which are pre-requisites to becoming a member, are offered periodically (usually during the fall and spring, sometimes in the summer depending on interest). These classes will give you an opportunity to learn about CSC and to interact with the pastors and the Church Mission Council (aka the board) of the church. It can also be a great opportunity to meet other people who are new to CSC or newly considering membership at the church.

Why do people become members of a church?

The short answer is because being a part of a local church community is an important element of our lives as followers of Jesus. By definition the Body of Christ is a community; we’re not meant to follow Jesus alone.

Right, but why membership specifically?

The biggest difference between being a member of a church and not being a member is the level of commitment between you and your church (in this case, CSC). As a visitor, you can come and go without expectation — but also without deep opportunities for service, leadership, and discipleship. As a member of a church, you are choosing to say “this is the community in which and with which I will serve, give, and grow in my Christian life.” Some other “benefits” of being a member include the opportunity to be a ministry leader, to vote on issues impacting our church body, and to receive reimbursements for counseling.

If I come to the classes, am I committed?

No. During the process, you will have time to pray and discern if becoming a member is the next step for you in your life at CSC. Coming to the classes is a prerequisite for becoming a member, but you don’t have to become a member if you take the classes.

What if I'm brand new to the church?

You’re welcome in the classes, and you’re welcome to become a member!
A couple of membership requirements that you should know beforehand: you can’t be a member of more than one church (so if you’re currently a member at another church, you’ll need to rescind membership). Also, members must be baptized, but this can be done later on. Finally, you must attend the full CSC 101 class in order to become a member.

If you have any other questions or want to be notified of the next class, let us know below. We hope you will consider joining us as members of Central Square Church!