GET CONNECTED THIS FALL! There are many ways to get connected this fall, from house churches, events, baptism classes, and more! Learn more in the bulletin insert or by going to


TODAY: Young Adults Gathering after Sunday Service. Young adults in our church community, ages 18-35, are invited to join us for our first kick off gathering today from 12:45 to 2:30 pm. We will meet in the sanctuary and then break up into smaller groups. We’ll continue gathering after Sunday service on the 1st Sunday of every month after this Also, RSVP for our hiking trip THIS Saturday, September 17 at 3 pm at Middlesex Fells


House Churches are starting up this week! House Churches (what we call small groups) are the primary place where we hope that individuals and families will grow as followers of Jesus together. Find out more by talking to a house church leader wearing a purple lanyard today, looking in today’s bulletin insert, or visiting


Friday Night Prayer resumes—7:30 to 9 pm, Sanctuary. Come be with the Lord, pray as a church, and hear from the Lord as the body of Christ. Enter from our Magazine St. entrance (you may need to ring doorbell when you arrive).


REMINDER: Congregational Meeting is next Sunday, Sept. 18! Everyone is invited to come hear church updates and learn about where we’re headed. Members are lovingly required to attend, especially as we will be voting. This meeting will be in the sanctuary at 12:30 pm, with lunch beforehand in the fellowship hall. Register for childcare by emailing laura [at] Email allison [at] if you have questions or need to request an absentee ballot.


Sunday Service Online:  A livestream of Sunday service is available on our channel at


Sermon Homework: Pastor Johnson assigned homework for us this week during his sermon. Read on below.

PRAISE PROJECT:  Psalm 139:1-18. “I will give thanks to you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made” (verse 14)

Make a list of everything that makes you different to:

  1. Your fellow believers
  2. Your family
  3. Your co-workers or classmates

Take the above list and thank God for your differences – the way you look, talk, walk; the way you look at life, etc. Celebrate your uniqueness.

Ask the Lord to search you. If there is anything that is not pleasing to him, to show you. And you, give him permission to remove, change you, until you look like Jesus. 

Lastly, if you’re willing to take one more step, tell him you want to know him.