Annual Meeting – 2/25 

The Annual Meeting is TODAY Sunday February 25 in the Sanctuary following the Sunday Service. This a great opportunity to learn more about CSC, how God is at work in our community, where we are investing our resources, and where we’re headed. Everyone is invited, and members are lovingly required to attend and vote.

A lunch of sandwiches and salad will be provided beforehand in the Fellowship Hall. Please be mindful of those with dietary restrictions when getting food.

The turnaround time between service ending and the meeting starting will be tight. We ask parents to pick up children ALL AGES from kids church and youth group immediately after the service ends so they can all eat before being checked in to childcare. Drop off for those registered for childcare opens at 12:25pm in the PreK/K Classroom. The Annual Meeting will begin at 12:30pm in the Sanctuary.


Pray With Us

This past Sunday, Pastor Larry announced an invitation for our community to join together in prayer and fasting for the season of Lent. There are two main ways you can join us in this over the next six weeks, leading up to Easter:

1) Submit a Prayer Request
2) Commit to pray and fast for the requests we receive

To submit a prayer request and/or sign up to pray, fill out this form online. You can also fill out a hard copy prayer card which will be available in the pews on Sundays.


Ice Skate with CSC!

Ice Skate with us under the stars TONIGHT February 25 from 6:30-8pm at Skate @ Canal District Kendall! We have the entire rink rented out for our use and will provide hot drinks and snacks! Bring your own skates or rent them for $10 ($6 for kids under 13).

Even if skating isn’t your idea of fun, come hang out with us inside or outside! There will be lawn games available too. Find out more and RSVP here by February 22!


Lent Worship Night – Friday March 1

Lent is a sacred season that invites us to deeper repentance and prepares our hearts for the resurrection of Jesus through the practice of fasting and prayer. Please join us for an evening of simple worship and prayer in the Fellowship Hall on Friday March 1 at 7:30pm. If you are willing and able, we invite you to fast with us as a community on that Friday prior to the worship event.


World Relief Lent Devotional

We invite you to join us in journeying through a Lent Devotional created by World Relief, a ministry CSC supports! This is a daily devotional with readings and reflections for the 40 days of Lent. There are also prompts to be used for group discussion and prompts for families. We hope this devotional will allow us to engage with God and community this Lent!

You can view the guide online HERE.
You can sign up to receive it in your inbox daily HERE.
We will also have hard copies available at church tonight and on Sundays.