Join a Sunday Serve Team

September is just around the corner, which means that as a church we are beginning to ramp up to welcome new faces into our community this Fall.

One way we are preparing for the fall is by building up our Sunday Volunteer Teams – specifically the Kids Church Team, the Hospitality Team, and the Multimedia Team (which includes people who run slides and people who run sound).

Would you consider serving on one of these teams? This is a great way to meet people, serve the Lord, and serve our church community!

To get more information or to sign up to join a team, reach out to the staff who oversees that team (Laura – Kids Church; Pastor Jean – Hospitality; Pastor Jason – Multimedia). Or contact us here.


Church Clean Up Day 

Another way to help us prepare for the fall is to join us for a Church Clean Up Day, after service on Sunday August 27th from 1-3pm. When Fellowship Time concludes, we will get started on a variety of projects to declutter our spaces and make the building welcoming and hospitable for everyone.

We will need people who can help in all sorts of ways including moving heavy things, organizing & decluttering areas, and even wiping down the pews. Plan on sticking around that day to help out!


Youth Pastor Job Posting

Go to to read the job description and how to apply—feel free to pass along to others you think may be qualified and interested!