Next Baptism Class on March 30
If you are interested in or want to learn more about baptism and dedication/confirmation, our baptism class is happening on Sunday March 30 at church. This class does not commit you to anything, but is a prerequisite for getting baptized at an upcoming Sunday service. Email admin [at] centralsquare [dot] church to RSVP, learn more, and get class info.
Infant Baptism or Dedication Class
12:15pm Nursery
Adult Baptism or Reaffirmation of Baptism Class
12:45pm Lounge

If you want to learn more about adult baptism or reaffirmation of baptism, and how you can be part of our next baptism service, join our next adult baptism class, which are offered at least twice a year. The class does not commit you to anything, but is a prerequisite for getting baptized at an upcoming Sunday service.
We encourage youth to consider baptism as a next step in their faith journey. A baptism class for youth is available, with support from youth leaders.

We also offer a class for parents on infant baptism and baby dedication. This class is a prerequisite for baptizing or dedicating your child at an upcoming Sunday service.